The Project:

This is a before and after website redesign project. My client, Heather Sommerlad, is a professional musician and writer based in New York who needed a modern, polished and engaging website that allows users to access her audio and visual content easily, along with keeping up with her live performances.


The original design was done in Wordpress. The color scheme was a light green, black and white. A simple design can fulfill the business to design challenge (which was in this case, to have users want to engage with the visual, audio and writing materials of the client, purchase said materials and attend live performances) but this particular design was uninteresting in terms of the color palette and visual design in general. It was also very text heavy.

Landing Page

About Page

Audio Page

User Challenges:

User challenges with the original design included the following:

  • making the text easier to read regarding the font size.

  • clearer, rewritten copy

  • improving site navigation

  • making it easier to purchase audio content

  • making the entire user experience more intuitive

The Redesign:

The following screens showcase a fresh redesign with the following elements: a simple, modern, clean, sophisticated black and white color scheme, embedded audio and videos presented in a clean engaging format, the clients writing is displayed in an easy to access format and the contact form is easily visible and simple for the user to access. The user also now has the ability to purchase songs via Bandcamp.

Landing Page

The Architect: Design App


Artful Skin: Tattoo Design