Project Description:

This project was for General Assembly's User Experience Online Demand course. The assignment was to design an application for tattoo artists to be able to accept clients and share their work.

Discovery and Research:

My research consisted of interviewing 5 users who have tattoos and get them regularly using the following questions:


  • What do you love about getting tattoos?

  • If you design your own tattoos, why do you enjoy designing them as opposed to having the artist design for you?

  • Where do you get your design inspiration from if you design your own tattoos?

  • Do you have interest in connecting on an app where you can share tattoo designs, find other tattoo artists and collaborate with visual artists on designs?

  • Which social media app that you already use do you like best and why? (Components / easy to use features / whatever your thoughts are)

  • Add anything else you'd like to tell me about your tattoo getting experience / what you're inspired by / features you'd like in an app like this / any other thoughts.


Synthesizing Research and Design Strategy:

I created an affinity map after compiling my interview data.

From my research I concluded the following:

  1. Instagram is the existing social media platform the platform all of my potential users like the most.

  2. Being able to look at other artists work is something all of my users are interested in.

  3. Users are not sure how another app would do a better job than ig / clubhouse / etc.

Affinity Map (4).jpg

Business Challenge:

The tattoo industry is saturated with artists and an application like this didn’t seem to exist when I conducted my research. I wanted an app that was easy to use and let artists show their work along with an appointment booking system that was clear for the user to navigate.

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I then designed pen and paper sketches next.

Wireframes (6).jpg


I created the wireframes in Figma outlining the basic features of the application.


I then outlined the wireflow in Figma as well to show how the user would move through the application.

Other Inspiration (5).jpg

Visual Design:

My visual design consisted of a texture for the first two onboarding screens and then black for the rest of the application.

Color Palette:

My color palette inspiration was a collection of black, white and gray. Those colors also aligned with the onboarding texture image I chose to use.


I chose Roboto as the font for the mobile application due to it being clear and strong and easy to read for the user.

Final Screens (5).jpg

Final Screens:

The final screens for the mobile app.


Heather Sommerlad: Musician/Artist/Writer


Ace Hotel DJ Set Flyers for Social Media