Project Description:

I designed this application for the senior architecture design students at High School of Art and Design in New York City in collaboration with their department. The idea was to design a mobile app that would be used by architecture students and professionals and I designed this from a UI design perspective. Users of this app would be able to source and buy project materials, derive inspiration from a Pinetrest type board that they could also use when meeting with clients to start to formulate their ideas and have access to a client directory at their fingertips.

Discovery and Research:

My research consisted of interviewing 8 students from the program as to what features they would want to see in an architecture based mobile app.

Based on my interviews, the students wanted features that would allow them to source and order materials, help clients put together their projects with a mood-board type of screen during client meetings and have a directory of their clients.

Design to Business Challenge:

The idea was to create a mobile app that was usable for students, beginning architects and professionals in the industry. The design needed to be easy to navigate along with making sure all the features were clearly found.


I then put together wireframes to show the basic application functionality.

My visual inspiration consisted of light colors and textures.

Visual Inspiration:


I chose the Nunito font due this font being stylish and chic while still being clear and easy to read for the user.

Final Screens:


Connect: Food Banks and Famers Markets


Heather Sommerlad: Musician/Artist/Writer